Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Food City Misrepresentation, April 1, 2017

I'm not much of one for April Fools Day.  I don't think that pranks are funny.  I think that when you say something, it should be the truth. 
Last year I signed up for texts from Food City.  In the past 8-1/2 months, I have received 42 texts from Food City letting me know deals, corrections to deals, and free item offers.  I have gotten a 20 oz bottle of Pepsi (for tax), Egg Nog Ice Cream (for 99 cents plus tax),  you get the idea.
So, on Saturday, April 1, when I received a text from Food City, I was not suspicious.
The text said: 
FOODCITY FREE 16 oz can MtnDew Green, White or Spiked Lemonade w/VCard!  TodayOnly LMT1/Cust WSL.  TaxesApply PLU 47781
I know that Mountain Dew has been making new products, so I figured that this was just another new product. 
I made a Special Trip to Food City to try my free item.  I looked in the front refrigerator cases, and I asked a cashier (who directed me to the aisle of carbonated beverages).  I found a Mountain Dew Kickstart Limeade in a 16 oz can.  I took that up to Customer Service to ask if that was what I was supposed to be finding.  No one at Customer Service, so the Self Checkout Cashier called for a manager.  He said that they didn't have the product. 
Fine, there have been other items which I received a text offering me a free item, but the store claimed to not carry the product (In September, I went to 2 different Food City stores looking for "Richard's Seafood Bowl."  Both stores told me that they did not carry that product.)
Then the manager continued saying that it was an April Fools Joke.  Excuse me?!?  You are telling me that I just paid for a "prank" email and I paid to GO to Food City to redeem my Fraudulent Text.
Now for those of you who say that I should have checked to make sure that Mountain Dew actually DOES make Green, White, and Spiked Lemonade .... YES!  They Do.  At least, according to the Pepsi website.

Yep, I'm STILL irritated. 
Not Cool, Food City.  Please do not lie to your customers.

For more information, click HERE

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