St Elmo Pres VBS 2018
Monday - Friday, June 4-8
St. Elmo Presbyterian Church is excited to
present to you a continuation of
A Rocha's Wild Wonder Creation Care Camp!
Creation Care Camp is designed for elementary school-aged children, rising kindergarten through fifth grade. This four-year curriculum taps into children’s curiosity as their wonder of the natural world turns to gratitude and praise to their creator.
Each day includes a trio of carefully crafted stations that encourage campers to play, learn, create, and worship. Creation Care Camp invites children to delight in God as creator, redeemer, and sustainer of all things by immersing them in the wonders of the created world and calling them to care for it well. We are excited to engage campers in the places they live and help them understand their role as active participants in creation.
present to you a continuation of
A Rocha's Wild Wonder Creation Care Camp!
Creation Care Camp is designed for elementary school-aged children, rising kindergarten through fifth grade. This four-year curriculum taps into children’s curiosity as their wonder of the natural world turns to gratitude and praise to their creator.
Each day includes a trio of carefully crafted stations that encourage campers to play, learn, create, and worship. Creation Care Camp invites children to delight in God as creator, redeemer, and sustainer of all things by immersing them in the wonders of the created world and calling them to care for it well. We are excited to engage campers in the places they live and help them understand their role as active participants in creation.
- Through integrated science and faith lessons, kids learn about the world around them and the God who made it.
- Daily games, experiments, crafts, and hands-on activities create a VBS environment that enriches mind, body, and soul.
- Kids learn to experience and know their places through active exploration and play in the outdoors.
- Low-waste materials keep costs down and reduce environmental impact.
- The simplicity and beauty of the curriculum allow kids space to discover, experience wonder, and grow in their knowledge and love of Jesus, his word, and the “wildly wonderful world” he spoke into being.
We, at St. Elmo Presbyterian Church are excited to share it with you!
for more information and to register, click HERE
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