The 9th Kentucky Assaults Missionary Ridge
May 5 & 6
10:00 AM to 10:45 AM,2:00 PM to 2:45 PM
Fort Oglethorpe, GA: At 10 am and at 2 pm, on Saturday, May 5 and on Sunday, May 6, Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, along with members of the 9th Kentucky, will present special 30 minute living history programs at Bragg Reservation, on Missionary Ridge. Parking for these programs is located inside the Bragg Reservation.
The charge up Missionary Ridge by Union forces of the Army of the Cumberland is one of the most dramatic moments during the American Civil War, and the men of the 9th Kentucky were some of those who experienced this charge. For quite a few of them, it was a moment of special triumph as many of them hailed from Tennessee, having left their homes to join the Union Army in Kentucky early in the war. Charging up Missionary Ridge, they now drove the last major Confederate force from their native state, and as Marcus Woodcock triumphantly noted, ”The backbone of the Confederacy…was now effectively broken, and its recovery was hopeless.” To learn about the men who were involved in this epic struggle and see what life was like for them please join us at Bragg Reservation.
for more information, click HERE
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