Tuesday, April 2, 2019

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Symphony Orchestra, Tuesday, April 2, 2019

7:30 p.m.
UTC Music
Spring concert by University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Symphony Orchestra, featuring Dr. Erika Schafer as trumpet soloist, 7:30 p.m Tuesday, April 2.in C.C. Bond Humaities Theatre at Chattanooga State Community College, 4501 Amnicola Highway.  Free

The UTC Symphony Orchestra will present its Spring Concert on April 2 at 7:30 p.m. in the C.C. Bond Humanities Theatre at Chattanooga State Community College.  This free concert will feature the Neruda Concerto in Eb Major with Dr. Erika Schafer as the trumpet soloist. 

Dr. Erika L. Schafer is Associate Professor of Trumpet and Assistant Director of Bands at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.  She performs with the Chattanooga Symphony Orchestra and as a soloist and chamber musician throughout the U.S.  She has been a guest artist and performed recitals at Kansas State University, The University of Arizona, and Eastern Illinois University, and has also presented master classes internationally.  Dr. Schafer is a member of the cutting-edge Fuze Trio (including Ronda Benson Ford, flute, and Jenny Parker, piano), whose repertoire includes world premieres and other modern compositions as well as arrangements of traditional classical music and popular music.  Prior to her position at UTC, Dr. Schafer was a member of the United States Navy Band in Washington, D.C. where she was a featured soloist and performed with the U.S. Navy Band Brass Quartet and the Joint Services Brass Quintet. She was also active in orchestras in the D.C. area including the McLean Symphony Orchestra, the Fairfax Symphony Orchestra, the Folger Consort, and the Orchestra of the 17th Century. 

Also on the program are the Overture to La Gazza Ladra (The Thieving Magpie) by Rossini and Schubert’s Symphony No. 8 (Unfinished).  This 60-member college/community orchestra includes university music majors and non-majors from UTC and Chattanooga State, UTC music faculty members, area music educators, and other talented amateur and professional musicians from the region.  The orchestra is conducted by Sandy Morris.  

C.C. Bond Humaities Theatre 
at Chattanooga State Community College
4501 Amnicola Highway
Chattanooga, TN
for more information, click HERE

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