Thursday, July 12, 2018

First Presbyterian Church Summer Outreach Concert, Sunday, July 1, 2018

First Presbyterian Church MUSIC MINISTRY
FREE dinner, 5:30pm followed by concert at 6:30pm. 
Rise  to  Freedom’s  Call  is  a  wonderful  outreach  opportu-nity,  so  invite  family  and  friends  for  a  fun  night  of food  and  music.  The  event  includes  a  Salute  to  the Armed  Forces,  prayers  from  Veterans,  American  Folk music,  culminating  in  rousing  anthems  focused  on  the SOURCE of Eternal Freedom and His promise to His Children that “we will rise when He calls our name”. Anyone  14  years  and  up  is  welcome  to  sing  with  our FPC Adult Choir for this special concert. Rehearsals are each Wednesday in the choir room at 6:20 pm.

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