Friday, December 4, 2015

Another Demolition Day Volunteer Opportunity at Home Harvest House, Saturday, December 5, 2015

 Another Demolition Day Volunteer Opportunity at Home Harvest House
The last volunteer demolition day was a great success with 79 volunteers coming out to help.  
About 3/4's of the house was gutted, but there is still demolition that needs to be done on the inside.
  That's why we are scheduling another volunteer day for 
Saturday, December 5, 
from 9am-4pm.  

Even if you can't come out for the whole day, volunteering a couple of hours will be a tremendous help.  
We will have tools on hand as well as tyvek body suits, dust masks and gloves.  
If you have your own tools you can bring, all the better.   
It would help to get a head count by Thursday, December 3.
If you can volunteer please follow this link to sign up:  Home Harvest Volunteer Form

for more information, click HERE 

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