Saturday, August 25, 2018

Overcoming the Pain and Disease Cycle, Saturday, August 11, 2018

Overcoming the Pain and Disease Cycle
by Nutrition World.
Saturday, August 11
10:30 a.m.    

Right now reading this you may be experiencing some type of pain. Back pain, neck pain, joint pain? It is said that over 100 million Americans experience some form of chronic pain. But pain doesn't always manifest its self in a physical form. Often times pain can be experienced emotionally from various traumas, stressors and life events. This type of pain ends up looking like depression, anxiety, worthlessness, and moodiness. No matter the type of pain exhibited, nobody deserves to spend their life trying to manage pain by treating the symptoms and not the underlying cause.
We believe everyone on this planet deserves to live the most optimal version of their life. Unfortunately, in our world full of stress, unhealthy food choices and a lack of connection to our emotions, many people end up simply not feeling well. We intuitively know living with these pains is not the way we were designed to live but for many, they may not know how to end the vicious cycle that is pain. We are honored to have Dr. Matt, from Rev Optimal Living, partnering with Nutrition World in our space on a foundational topic that hits heavy with his heart. As a college baseball player, Dr. Matt spent a lot of years in a heightened state of stress and pain. Like many people, he just managed through these emotions and pains without feeling there was much he could do to change his situation. Until he began to study the body in Chiropractic school and actually learned just the opposite. Humans have the ability to change the state of their body from chronically sick, depressed and full of pain to fully thriving as their best wholesome self. Dr. Matt will shed light on this powerful topic and send you home with steps to begin making change as soon as your feet walk out of our space! You will not want to miss this.

for more information, click HERE

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